WingFi Association Club 2016 - 2017


Fatima College (Autonomous), Mary Land, Madurai -18

CLUB REPORT 2016-2017


Date: 02.07.2016

Time: 10.00 A.M

Venue: Front of SM lab

The “EIDS” Club 2016-2017 Chapter was initiated by Ms. P.Nancy Vincentina Mary, Head, Department of BCA. She briefed out the activities and motivated the members to make use of all opportunities given to them during club activities. After that, the students of three years were segregated into groups. Each group was given a name. There are nine groups and there is a representative for each group.


Date: 22.07.2016

Time: 10.00 A.M

Venue: Smart Room

The inaugural address was given by Mr.Sasikumar of  Aptech Infotech, Madurai. He spoke on Career Options in the field of Computer Science. With the help of an effective powerpoint presentation, he listed out various opportunities for the students. He explained in detail about the programming languages and interview facing techniques, aptitude questions etc. Following that, the office bearers were elected.

                                    President : V.Supriya Krishanthi

                                    Secretary : K.Nagarubi

Treasurer : M.Shalene                            .

Vice president : Sheeba


·         The Club office bearers took oath to lead club activities.

·         Students got an idea about activities of club.



Date: 22.08.2016

Time: 10.00 A.M

Venue: Front of SM lab

Students were gathered in front of the SM block to discuss about the various programs to be performed. E ach group decided their activity and initiated their performance. Students planned their future activities.


Ø  Club activities decided by each group.

Ø  Each group member’s talents were discussed by team so that it can be used in future.

Ø  They learned about the method of participation in the activities.

Ø  They learned how to acquire the oral skills and the body language used for effective Group Discussion.



Date: 02.09.2016

Time: 4.00 P.M

Venue: SJ Seminar Hall

Students from all three years of B.C.A gathered in the San Jose Seminar Hall eager to attend Dr.Sriram’s session on “Cloud Computing”. He began his lecture on Cloud Computing. He started by introducing the “What” and “Why” of cloud computing and moved on to gently discussing trends, problems, and techniques of the same.


Ø  Created positive attitude among the students.

Ø  Students grasped new ideas about the topic.

Ø  Students learned how to communicate with others and can developed leadership qualities.

Ø      Students got the opportunity to learn new technology

Ø  Students had a chance to interact with resource person to clear their doubts.



Date: 22.09.2016

Time: 10.00 A.M

Venue: Front of SM lab

Students were informed about the painting competition on the topic “YOUTH IN NATIONAL INTEGRATION“ the day before and the competition was conducted under the headship of Mrs.Punitha Roselin. The winners were selected and credits were given based on their active participation.


·         Competitions play a role in motivating students. By participating in this competition students got motivation to perform and excel.

·         Participants got change to gain substantial experience, showcase skills, analyze and evaluate outcomes and uncover personal aptitude.

·         Students got change to adopt innovative techniques and develop their ideas and skills.



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